Morse Codes


S&P Morse Codes are coming to The Epiphany starting Jan 15th, 10pm SLT.


wear of gift little secret messages!


Each pack includes a choker, a bracelet + a base colour HUD to change gold/silver metals individually


upon 1000 LS spent, the VIP item - the FATPACK HUD - will unlock automatically


Fatpack option in cop, no trans perm is available


the items are unrigged, resizable and unisex



I hope you enjoy <3





The exclusive item is the S&P southwestern colours HUD, that is only available for 25 points.

When you play the machine, each box gives you the option (after rezzing it) to keep or redeem the prize. If you redeem it, the box will be deleted from your inventory and points added to your account. 1 point per common item, 3 points per rare item. It's a nice way to get rid of unwanted doubles and earn points to get the exclusive item that will retire after the event is over.

Keep in mind that a gacha item can not be redelivered. If you redeem the prize, the item is gone.





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